Lee Trotter


Lee Trotter



Dr. Lee Trotter was born and raised in Long Beach, California. Lee is married and a father of 5 children and is a grandfather to six grandchildren. Dr. Trotter is currently an Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of South Dakota, Physician with Utah Surgical Associates, and pediatric surgery/trauma physician for Mountain Star Health. His years of experience include advanced laparoscopy, adult trauma, and surgery level 1, endoscopy, and plastic surgery. He recently worked at a level 1 pediatric trauma facility in Norfolk, Virginia. Dr. Trotter is heavily involved in surgical nutrition and developing surgical instruments. He enjoys family adventures, church activities, and aviation (multi-engine commercial pilot).

All sessions by Lee Trotter

Pediatric Trauma – Multi Trauma

Nov 11 2023
16:15 - 17:00
Grand Ballroom