Winning The Battle – Tools for first responders and their families to deal with everyday stressors
We hope to see you at “Winning The Battle” at the BYU Conference Center on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023 for an inspiring and educational talk with Sergeant Clarke Paris and Tracie Paris.
Register online to save your spot: or scan the QR Code on the poster.
This powerful and motivating presentation is a very effective tool used to help first responders, police personnel, fire personnel, hospital personnel, military personnel, civilian employees and spouses deal with tragedies commonly referred to as “Critical Incidents”.
It is even more effective in helping the same personnel deal with the every day stressors associated with their chosen careers that can and often do result in career-ending actions such as PTSD, depression, cumulative stress, domestic violence, failed relationships, alcoholism, substance abuse, and even suicide.